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Summer Dance Competition

12:00 - 10.08.2019 - The Inner Courtyard - more

Summer Dance Competition

12:00 - 10.08.2019 - more

The Center for Culture in Lublin and the NBDS Lublin / New Boogie Down School – the South invite you to the 6th edition of the Summer Dance Competition.

The biggest dancing party is in Lublin, which you can not miss it!
It does not matter what styles you represent – what counts is who, in the given moment, can best keep up with the beat. A different DJ will be responsible for each category, and each of them is a crème de la crème among DJS of dance parties! This is also an event for everyone who wants to have fun – all day and night!

• Participants will compete in 3 categories: Hip hop, Funk and House
• All categories will be played in the 2 vs 2 mode
• Permitted configuration of duos
2x bboy / bgirl / 2x hh freestyle dancer / 1 bboy + 1 hh freestyle dancer / whoever wants to face the music (hip-hop, funk, house)

We invite all BBoys, BGirls, Hip hop / freestyle dancers, Poppers, Lockers, Wackers, Voguers, Housedancers, Lofters, ChicagoFootworkers, MEMPHIS jookiners and everyone else.

12: 30-13: 30: registration
14: 00-14: 50: eliminations (hip hop)
15: 00-15: 50: eliminations (house)
16: 00-16: 50: eliminations (funk)
17: 00-18: 00: break
18: 00-19: 00: hip hop battle (TOP8, TOP4, final)
19: 00-20: 00: house battle (TOP8, TOP4, final)
20: 00-21: 00: funk battle (TOP8, TOP4, final)
21: 00-05: 00: After Party

Sapa, Żurek, Clementine, Temps
MC: Maślak
DJ’s: Plash; Adam Co Jest; Lazy One

registration of duos: (names, surnames, names, city, category)
PLN 15 – audience and participants (regardless of the number of categories) available at the Centre for Culture’s box office

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury


The Inner Courtyard


Arkadiusz Kaźmierak

tel: 81 466 61 09

Summer Dance Competition

10-08-2019 - more

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