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Cuatro Manos

19:00 - 13.06.2021 - The Inner Courtyard - 10 zł - more

Cuatro Manos

19:00 - 13.06.2021 - 10 zł - more
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An instrumental acoustic duo performing broadly understood southern music.

So far, the group’s repertoire are two programmes – “Opowieści z Południa” (Stories from the South) and “Będzie filmowo” (About the Movies). The concert features music from the borderline of flamenco, rumba and gypsy jazz, as well as film music themes in new and interesting arrangements. Passion for energy, but also nostalgia. Performed by Michał Lewartowicz and Jakub Kotynia.

  • Na zdjęciu w odcieniach szarości widzimy dwoje mężczyzn z gitarami siedzących na krzesłach na scenie

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10 zł

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Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

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The Inner Courtyard


Artistic Management

tel: 81 466 61 09


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Cuatro Manos

13-06-2021 - 10 zł - more

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