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Uszy Duszy

15:00 - 01.05.2023 - Courtyard - admission is free - more

Uszy Duszy

15:00 - 01.05.2023 - admission is free - more

Cross-cultural, tropical-oriental selection of afro, latin, asian and world music, which is bind by soul, funk, dub and disco.

An eclectic DJ set from Uszy Soul to uplifting your spirit and experience a musical catharsis. No downers, no alcohol, conscious and relaxing. We play until sunset. Uszy Duszy / Kid Buttons hypnotizes and enchants with a surprising sound track and show. For over 30 years, the DJ has been infecting cities such as Krakow, London, Madrid, Poznan, Prague, Dublin, Lima and Mexico City with his music.. Solo and in the DJ collective @Estropical, in Krakow's Radiofonia, in clubs and on festival stages.



The project is carried out as part of the Art Spaces Lublin program, financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, implemented by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatere Institute and the National Institute of Music and Dance. The local operator of the project is the Centre for Culture in Lublin.

Ceny biletów

admission is free

Cultural Center Ticket office

Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

On other days, e-mail contact:



Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
ul. Peowiaków 12
20-007 Lublin


Arkadiusz Kaźmierak

tel: 81 466 61 09

Uszy Duszy

01-05-2023 - admission is free - more

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