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Lubliner Festival

Israel. Heritage of innovation – opening of the exhibition

15:00 - 09.08.2022 - plac Litewski - free admission - more
Lubliner Festival

Israel. Heritage of innovation – opening of the exhibition

15:00 - 09.08.2022 - free admission - more

The exhibition was prepared to mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel.

Did you know Israel has the largest number of scientists per capita in the world, the largest number of museums and start-ups? Israel is also the only country in the world where the number of trees is constantly growing, which may have to do with the fact that it was the first to develop water desalination technology, and also with the fact that during the Tu BiSzwat festival, everyone is planting new trees. The lowest point in the world is located here, the desert is adjacent to mountains and forests. Israel – the land of three great religions, a holy place for so many pilgrims from all over the world. The exhibition consists of 30 boards that present the most beautiful corners of Israel, its
monuments, places related to history, but also the innovation of the country, whose capital was the first city in the world fully covered with Wi-Fi coverage.

The exhibition was prepared by the Embassy of Israel in Poland with the support of ELNET Poland and the partnership: Serendip LTD and the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. It is presented in Lublin for the first time thanks to the support of the Israeli Embassy and the Lublin City Hall.


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plac Litewski

Israel. Heritage of innovation – opening of the exhibition

09-08-2022 - free admission - more

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