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Lubliner Festival

Roksana Vikaluk – Oh letily gusy voices

20:00 - 12.08.2022 - Filharmonia im. Henryka Wieniawskiego w Lublinie - free admission - more
Lubliner Festival

Roksana Vikaluk – Oh letily gusy voices

20:00 - 12.08.2022 - free admission - more

A romantic evening of Ukrainian and Jewish songs. The concert "Oj letily dyki gusy" performed by Roksana Vikaluk will express our unbending solidarity with the Ukrainian people!

The land of Ukraine is blessed with a song whose richness and diversity are astonishing. Dumki, lullabies, kolomyjki, Cossack songs, ritual songs, Old Church songs, classical songs – all these genres are real gems. Just like the outstanding Ukrainian embroidery, they are an amulet in the world of the tragic and often difficult history of old Rus-Ukraine – the mother of East Slavic languages. Songs of the Jewish People are endearing stories, full of rich symbolism. These are beautiful prayers that helped to survive, sagas-lullabies showing the colour of life of many Jewish families, fiery klezmer whirls and niguns, which are endlessly evolving motifs. The
Song is the guardian angel of both the Ukrainian land and the Jewish nation. “Culture, like the history of these two nations, was often intertwined. Likewise, these climates are naturally intertwined in me, revealing completely new sounds. I invite you to a musical journey during which we will visit the West, East, North, South and the Center of Ukraine – an exceptionally beautiful country born of songs” says the performer Roksana Vikaluk.

The program of her recital will feature folk songs, including rituals, classical Ukrainian romance, Jewish prayers, and her own compositions, as well as unique arrangements created thanks to the symbiosis of Ukrainian and Jewish moods.

Roksana Vikaluk – a singer, composer, arranger, actress, essayist, teacher from Ukraine, whose veins, as she emphasizes, have Ukrainian and Jewish blood. He lives and works mainly in Germany, Poland and Ukraine. She sings in 10 languages; plays the piano and
electronic instruments. She composes and arranges music of various styles (classical, folk, jazz). She has released over 20 audio CDs, including original albums. The recording of the album "Mizrah" from 2002 was made thanks to the award received from Czesław Niemen in the "New Tradition" competition in Warsaw.


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Filharmonia im. Henryka Wieniawskiego w Lublinie

Roksana Vikaluk – Oh letily gusy voices

12-08-2022 - free admission - more

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