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18:00 - 17.09.2022 - Main Auditorium - 15/25 zł - more company


18:00 - 17.09.2022 - 15/25 zł - more
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Light and space exist as two complementary matter. Without space, the light beams would have nowhere to travel, and without light, we would not be able to perceive space and the objects in it and their colours.

Light makes space more acceptable, and each change in it affects how we perceive reality. “DeLight” is a show-gallery. The performance studies the interdependence of light and space with the art of choreography. Working with the geometry of light, space and movement, an abstract form of a living image is built – full of compositional tensions, colour combinations, shapes and moods corresponding to specific tasks. Using the theory of optics, various mechanisms of perception are revealed to the viewer. By inviting people to participate in the performance, we encourage reflection on their own role in experiencing the reality that surrounds us.

  • Ujęcie od pasa w górę. Kobieta stoi z uniesionymi na bok rękami. Jej sylwetkę oświetla żółte światło.
  • Czerwone punktowe światło oświetla nagi tors mężczyzny. Reszta sylwetki jest ledwo widoczna.
  • Na scenie stoją cztery osoby. Stoją w parach – jedna za drugą. Osoby po prawej stronie fotografii podskakują, a osoby po lewej stronie odchylają się lekko do tyłu. Nad nimi w tle święcą się trzy reflektory.

concept, choreography: Artur Grabarczyk; sound and image direction: Wiktor Podgórski; performed by: Katarzyna Ustowska, Róża Kołoda, Kamil Wawrzuta, Artur Grabarczyk; choreographic collaboration: Urliqa Fernqvist, Peter Svenson
duration: 60 min

Premiere of the performance: 20/08/2021, Żak Club in Gdańsk as part of the Residence / Premiere program at the Gdańsk Dance Festival The show “DeLight” was selected in an open competition for the presentation of performances in the The Spaces of Art Lublin programme.

The Spaces of Art programme is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Zbigniew Raszewski Dance and the Theatre Institute.

Ceny biletów

15/25 zł

Cultural Center Ticket office

Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

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Main Auditorium


Lublin Dance Theatre

tel: 81 466 61 46


17-09-2022 - 15/25 zł - more

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