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Natalia Przybysz “Zaczynam się od miłości”

19:00 - 15.10.2022 - Main Auditorium - 70/80 zł / 60/70 zł - more

Natalia Przybysz “Zaczynam się od miłości”

19:00 - 15.10.2022 - 70/80 zł / 60/70 zł - more
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The idea for the album “Zaczynam się od miłość” was born when Natalia Przybysz and Kamil Sipowicz met.

The heir to Kora’s oeuvre entrusted Natalia with the notes made by the legend of the Polish music scene – collected and not published in the form of songs. The title of the album is a paraphrase of the title of the collection of Kora’s poetry published in the form of a book.

The album contains the previously unpublished lyrics by Kora, with music composed by Natalia and her band – Jurek Zagórski, Mateusz Waśkiewicz, Pat Stawiński and Kuba Staruszkiewicz. Apart from Kora’s seven lyrics, the album includes two original songs by Natalia – “Zew”, about the therapeutic actions of nature during a pandemic, and “Jest Miłość” about joining with the creative energy of another woman. The premiere took place on March 11, 2022. The first single promoting the publishing house was the song “W oku cyklonu”.

Natalia Przybysz is one of the most interesting female voices on the Polish music scene, but also a composer and songwriter. She became known in 2001, when she and her sister Paulina made their debut, co-creating Sistars. After the band ended, Natalia focused on a solo career and searching for her own artistic path. The artist is a laureate of Fryderyks, incl. for the pop album of the year (“Night Light”, 2018 and “How to Paint the Fire”, 2020), rock album of the year and song of the year.

Ceny biletów

70/80 zł / 60/70 zł

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Natalia Przybysz “Zaczynam się od miłości”

15-10-2022 - 70/80 zł / 60/70 zł - more

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