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I am love III

18:00 - 08.10.2022 - Main Auditorium - 15/25 zł - more

I am love III

18:00 - 08.10.2022 - 15/25 zł - more
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The third part of the”I am love” project tackles the subject of the shadow archetype, which, according to Carl Gustav Jung’s psychology, represents the dark side of the personality.

The shadow is a turbulent sub-world of the human psyche, it holds the most primitive part of itself, it is all that we would prefer not to know about ourselves. These are repressed instincts and feelings, all that religion, education, and social norms call evil.

concept: Barbara Bujakowska; artistic cooperation: Marta Wołowiec, Karol Miękina; performed by: Marta Wołowiec, Karol Miękina, Barbara
Bujakowska; video editing: Aleksander Hordziej; sound editing: Szczepan Sołtys; premiere on 4 December 2021

The project was created as part of the Creative Scholarship of the City of Krakow.Produced by: Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury – Krakow Choreographic Center.

The Spaces of Art programme is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Zbigniew Raszewski Dance and the Theatre Institute.

Ceny biletów

15/25 zł

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Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

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Main Auditorium


Lublin Dance Theatre

tel: 81 466 61 46

I am love III

08-10-2022 - 15/25 zł - more

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