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Dance at the Centre for Culture in October: love, fantasy and SPA

A panacea for long, cold autumn evenings can be sensory-warming choreographies and relaxing workshops. Here’s what the dance programme offers for October.

  • Zdjęcie. Na scenę pada fioletowe światło z reflektorów. Na podłodze siedzi mężczyzna, na twarzy ma zaciągnięta koszulkę. Za jego plecami stoi kobieta, patrzy przed siebie.
  • W szeregu przed mikrofonami stoją trzy osoby. Od lewej : kobieta z zabawkowym megafonem, mężczyzna w czerwonym dresie oraz kobieta w jaskrawej różowej sukience w czarne kropki. Wszyscy stoją na baczność oraz śpiewają.
  • Zdjęcie, Scena z białą podłogą. Do sufitu przymocowane są reflektory. Na całej szerokości sceny, w jednym rzędzie stoją tancerze, trzymają się za ręce.
  • Wybrukowana ulica, w tle kamienice. Po środku ulicy stoi pięć osób. Wszyscy ubrani są w białe spodnie i koszulki. Na szyję mają zarzucone kolorowe ręczniki, które trzymają w dłoniach.

We start with unique workshops for couples. “Be Two” is a class for people close to each other, friends or married couples. They teach how to communicate through body language, touch and energy exchange, and allow participants to get to know the other person better. In addition, the presented exercises have been designed in such a way that you can use them yourself at home.

Another extraordinary event has the form of a dance SPA. It is not only a performance, but also an opportunity for in-depth reflection on social issues. The dancers will look for answers to the question of what attitudes should be adopted in the modern world, full of tensions, protests and negative emotions, and how to release them through movement.

11.00 am – Be two -warsztaty dla par/ Studio nr 4
7.00 pm – Social SPA / chor. Bartosz Juszczak / Main Auditorium
6.00 pm – I am love III / chor. Barbara Bujakowska / Main Auditorium
8.00 pm – Jam recipe / Dance jam with Katarzyna Leszek / Studio nr 4
6.00 pm – Fantasia, a warm dance for the harmony and voices singing in your head / Teatr Tańca Nieznany / Main Auditorium
21 – 22.10
11.00 am, 4.30 pm, 7.00 pm / Saturday 11.15 am
Wake up the pelvic muscles / workshops for women / Studio No. 4

The audience will watch the third part of the project “I am love”, dealing with the subject of the shadow archetype, which, according to Carl Gustav Jung’s psychology, represents the dark side of the personality. We ask ourselves if we really should suppress these feelings and instincts, which according to the current social norms are called evil.

On the other hand, the performance “Fantasia, a warm dance for the harmony and voices singing in your head” is a continuing story, built on extreme suspensions – a trance journey to cosmic consciousness, treated as the core of our creative personalities; an invitation to enter into imaginative heads, or an opportunity to look at oneself in a crooked mirror.

In addition, the organizers invite to a dance jam. It is a series of meetings organized by the Lublin Dance Theatre for people looking for opportunities to practice dance and movement in a group. This time the event will be led by Katarzyna Leszek, a dancer and co-founder of the collective Teatr Tańca Nieznany.

The Spaces of Art programme is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Zbigniew Raszewski Dance and the Theatre Institute.

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