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28. International Dance Theatres Festival

This year’s edition of the festival will take place on November 4th to 11th and will bring together dance artists from Austria, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Poland.


The special guest of this year’s edition of the International Dance Theatre Meetings are the masters from INTRODANS group with their latest productions, “HEROES” [BUY TICKET]. It is a 4-part evening of choreography by the likes of Robert Battle, the Paul Lightfoot & Sol Leon duo, Inbal Pinto and Regina van Berkel. The second Dutch company to visit Lublin in November will be VANDEUTEKOM Collective, led by Patricia van Deutekom. Anna Mikuła, already known to Lublin audiences, is one of the dancers of the collective.


4.11.2024 (Monday)

7.00 pm Teatr Stary
“The Last Solo of K.” Ryszard Kalinowski / Lublin Dance Theatre (Poland) – 45 min
8.00 pm Meeting with the Artist

5.11.2024 (Tuesday)
7.00 pm _ Teatr Stary
Double bill: “Gorgona” Paulina Wycichowska (Poland) / “Sybillewo” Ewa Wycichowska (Poland)
8:15 pm Meeting with the Artists

6.11.2024 (Wednesday)
7.00 pm – Centre for Culture in Lublin, Main Auditorium
“Whispering the Sun” Plastforma Project (Belarus / Poland) 70 min
8.30 pm Meeting with the Artists

7.11.2024 (Thursday)
1.30 pm Paderewski International High School in Lublin
“Where the Boys Are” Yotam Peled and the Free Radicals (Germany) 40 min
1.00 pm meeting with the Artists
7.00 pm Centre for the Meeting of Cultures – Opera Hall
“HEROS – a 4-part evening: Sh-Boom! / Three / Boulevard of Broken Dreams / Daily Hero – Introdans (Netherlands) – 100 min (with intermission)

8.11.2024 (Friday)
12.00 pm – Unia Lubelska High School – “Where the Boys Are” Yotam Peled and the Free Radicals (Germany) – 40 min
1.00 pm Meeting with the Artists
7.00 pm Centre for Culture in Lublin, Main Auditorium
Double bill: Maciej Kuźmiński Company – Рух Oпору / Resistance Movement _ Vandeutekom Collective – étude des hommes – Poland, Ukraine / The Netherlands – 45 min
8.00 pm – Meeting with the Artists

9.11.2024 (Saturday)
5.00 pm Labirynt Gallery “Bridges / Mosty: choreoLAB” – Hygine Delimat & LAB participants (Austria/Poland/Netherlands) – 60 min
7.00 pm Centre for Culture in Lublin, Main Auditorium
“Together Alone: Lost – Invisible Traces” – Yana Reutova (Czech Republic) – 40 min
8.00 pm – Meeting with Artists

11/10/2024 (Sunday)
4.00 pm – Centre for Culture in Lublin, Cinema
“MOV(I)E Flow II: Polish Dance Film Showcase & Mentoring” (Poland) – screening of short films and meeting with the Authors – 90 min
7.00 pm Centre for Culture in Lublin, Main Auditorium
“Bless the Sound that Saved a Witch like me” – Benjamin Kahn (France/Belgium) – 40 min
8.00 pm – Meeting with Artists

11/11/2024 (Monday)
5.00 pm Labirynt Gallery
“House beating” Body Architects (Austria/Poland) – 60 min
7.00 pm Centre for Culture in Lublin, Main Auditorium
Young Generation – 60 min

  • Grupa tancerzy tańca współczesnego na scenie. Jeden z tancerzy skacze do góry.
  • Scena teatralna. Na ciemnym tle kobieta, która trzyma w ustach kilka liści.
  • Spektakl teatralny. Jasne wnętrze. Dwie dziewczyny pochylają się do przodu i opierają się dłońmi o podłogę. Stoją bardzo blisko siebie.
  • Scena teatralna. Czarne tło i mocno oświetlona żółta podłoga. Na środku stoi mężczyzna w dynamicznej pozie. Ma nagi tors i rajstopy. Wokół niego na podłodze leżą ubrania i buty.
  • Dwóch akrobatów ćwiczy w sali gimnastycznej.
  • Scena teatralna. Na pierwszym planie kobieta z uniesionymi rękami, za nią grupa innych kobiet stojących nieruchomo.
  • Ciemna scena w teatrze. Na scenie cztery osoby, jedne bliżej drugie dalej, zwrócone w jednym kierunku.

The AEROWAVES network will be represented by Yotam Peled & the Free Radicals from Germany and Benjamin Kahn with his group, representing Belgium and France. Ukrainian artists will take part in international projects: Yana Reutova collaborates with the Czechs, and Daria Koval presents an award-winning solo choreographed by Maciej Kuźmiński. Hygin Delimat, a Polish artist associated with dance scene in Austria and the Netherlands, will host a week-long “ChoreoLABoratorium”, attended by students from the Netherlands (Fontys Academy in Tilburg) and Poland (Academies of Music in Łódź and Katowice) as well as performers and freelancers from Lublin. In addition, Hygin Delimat will present “House Beating” in collaboration with Austrian artists Anna Maria Chlebus, Voland Szekely and Elias Choi-Buttinger.

Inna Aslamowa (Belarus) and her ensemble return to Lublin with ”Whispering the Sun” in a new version. On the first day of the Festival we will begin a new series of meetings with the mature generation of dance people in Poland. The series, presented in collaboration with Teatr Stary, will be opened with Ewa Wycichowska in “Sybillewo”, Paulina Wycichowska in “Gorgona” and Ryszard Kalinowski in the performance “The last solo of K.”.

The younger generation of choreographers will participate in the “Young Generation” module. This year’s performers include Jakub Mędrzycki, Izabela Zawadzka, Berenika Woś, Natalia Drozd, Agnieszka Sikorska, and Anastasiya Yembulayeva.

  • Spektakl teatralny. Na jasnym tle dwie dziewczyny stoją naprzeciwko siebie. Stykają się brzuchami, piersiami i twarzami.
  • Scena teatralna. Na ciemnym tle dwie kobiety, klęczące na podłodze.
  • Scena teatralna. Czarne tło i mocno oświetlona żółta podłoga. Na środku dwie kobiety stojące naprzeciwko siebie.
  • Plac w mieście. Na placu występ akrobatów. W tle widzowie, za nimi drzewa i stara, elegancka kamienica.
  • Występ na scenie. Tło w kolorach czarnym i białym. Na pierwszym planie dziewczyna wysmarowana czarną farbą na twarzy, szyi i dłoniach. Dziewczyna trzyma w dłoniach mikrofon.
  • Scena teatralna. Czarne tło i czarna podłoga. Na środku tańcząca dziewczyna z nagim torsem i w czarnej spódnicy.


Masterclass with Marlena Wolfe
Masterclass designed for participants who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of dance. Hosted by Marlena Wolfe from the Dutch company Introdans.
Sign up for the Masterclass via this registration form.
Detailed information about the meeting, the presenter and costs are available here.

Contemporary dance workshops:
Workshops for everyone who loves dance. Designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers, the workshop wil be led which will be led by Festival Guests: Patricia van Deutekom, Yana Reutova, Jakub Mędrzycki, Yotam Peled, and Benjamin Kahn.
Sign up for the workshops via this registration form.
Detailed schedule of workshops, information about the presenters and costs are available here.


PLN 40 – reduced / PLN 50 – full ticket / PLN 30 group and for holders of the „Taniec to my” Active Participant Card

Tickets for the Introdans performance entitled “HEROES” at the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures are available only at the box office of the Centre for Culture in Lublin (12 Peowiaków street) and online:

PLN 150 – category I
PLN 120 – category II
PLN 100 – tickets for holders of „Taniec to my”Active Participant Card
PLN 100 – group ticket (for groups of at least 10 people)



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