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Lublin Film Festival all year round: Emotions

18:00 - 21.03.2018 - Cinema - more

Lublin Film Festival all year round: Emotions

18:00 - 21.03.2018 - more

The Lublin Film Festival all year round series are screenings of the most interesting films connected by a theme, form or idea, shown or submitted to the LFF.

1. Breathe — Just Philippot, Francja, 2015 – 24′
Lizon would like to make a birthday party for her friends. The problem is that she lives in a car with her mother.
2. Mutants — Alex Dostie, Kanada, 2016 – 16′
In the summer of 1996, life spins the curled ball into Keven’s face. And it hits. Short Cut Award at the Toronto International Film Festival.
3. Beautiful Figure — Hajni Kis, Węgry, 2016 – 17′ A cleaner in high school falls in love with one of the students. Although the case seems hopeless, he decides to confess his feelings. Film nominated for the Student Academy Awards.
4. A l’arraché — Emmanuelle Nicot, Belgia, 2016 – 22′
Raïssa and Alio live in one room in an orphanage. When Alio disappears, Raïssa decides to find her. Grand Prix at the Brussels Short Film Festival.
5. Written/Unwritten — Adrian Silisteanu, Rumunia, 2016 – 20′
In the maternity ward a child of a minor daughter of a Roma couple is born. The necessity of signing appropriate documents launches an avalanche of problems. The film nominated for the European Film Award.




Kinoteatr Project

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Lublin Film Festival all year round: Emotions

21-03-2018 - more

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