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19:00 - 27.11.2023 - Main Auditorium - 30/40 zł - more


19:00 - 27.11.2023 - 30/40 zł - more
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The decision that influenced the creation of this solo was an attempt to understand the path I follow as a dancer and creator.

Cornerstone is a meeting with myself, a dialogue with emotions, feelings, situations and people whose presence showed me further foundations of who I am or would like to be. Cornerstone is an ascetic landscape composed of a form that is unshakable in its stability – a stone that endures in the flowing time of this world.

The rich world of meanings, metaphors and analogies resulting from the juxtaposition of the opposing qualities of stone and corporeality brings out the wealth of many potentials and ways of creating meaning contained in this topic. Stone, as an element of our reality, both nature and culture, becomes for me an inarticulate horizon of knowledge, the medium of which is the experiencing body. The experienced stone opens and evokes.

Concept, choreography, dance: Mikołaj Karczewski; Dramaturgical support: Mikołaj Karczewski; Lighting director: Kornelia Dzikowska; Lighting: Grzegorz Polak

The performance was produced as part of the Young Poland Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and with the support of the “Art Spaces” program financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, implemented by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute and the Institute of Music and Dance. The operator of the project in Lublin is the Center for Culture in Lublin.

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30/40 zł

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Main Auditorium


27-11-2023 - 30/40 zł - more

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