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Central Playground

El Búho

21:00 - 01.07.2023 - Courtyard - przedsprzedaż: 50/60 zł / w dniu koncertu: 70/80 zł - more
Central Playground

El Búho

21:00 - 01.07.2023 - przedsprzedaż: 50/60 zł / w dniu koncertu: 70/80 zł - more
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This year’s edition of the Central Playground is two months of educational and artistic activities. Once again, we are going out into the city space to be even closer to the recipients. As always, we invite everyone to the Centre for Culture in Lublin and specifically to our green Inner Courtyard. The opening act will be fat and electronic, because on July 1, for the first time in Poland…

…Robin Perkins aka El Búho!

The northern English artist found his musical home in Latin America. His sound combines the influences of house music, dub and widely understood electronics with the rhythms, traditions and melodies of the peoples of South America, and the organic sounds of waterfalls, birds singing and crackling leaves. The result is a dreamlike, deep, melodious journey that manifests itself both in the headphones, and on the dance floor.

  • Mężczyzna w czarnej koszulce stoi w środku lasu. między drzewami unosi się czerwony dym.
  • Zdjęcie przedstawia mężczyznę w czarnej koszulce, który stoi pośrodku pola kukurydzy.
  • Mężczyzna w ciemnym ubraniu idzie przez pole kukurydzy. Wokół niego unosi się żółtawy dym.
  • Zdjęcie przedstawia mężczyznę ubranego w czarną koszulkę. Ma rozwiane włosy i brodę. Sprawia wrażenie zamyślonego. Za nim znajduje się las.

El Búho is also an environmental activist, he worked for Greenpeace for over eight years, as a member of DJs For Climate Action, and coordinating the non-profit project “A Guide to the Birdsong” – a series of albums that spread awareness about endangered bird species through electronic music and collect funds for their protection.

Polish music and nature have a special place in El Buho’s heart. He remixed, among others Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa, and on his last album we will find the song “Białowieża” with the participation of rising stars of the Polish folk scene – Sutari.


Emil Witt
After 10 years of travelling through the Amazon Forest and the Peruvian Andes as a photographer-reporter, he poured his travels in search of the unknown into musical material – the upcoming album “Towards the Sun”. These songs contain all the feelings accompanying long, lonely trips to the forgotten corners of the world, bring the listeners closer to the mysticism of the rainforest, and they reflect the majesty and cool beauty of Andean trails. In his musical material in the electronic-downtempo style or in an undefined style, Emil plays the piano and ethnic instruments, and adds dance energy to the whole thing with synthesizer sounds. The compositions sometimes contain recordings of nature from important moments of the artist’s life. Most of the songs were written by the author.

Anansi & Frost
They have been creating unique musical collages since the last century, still surprising with their originality. Under the Planetarium banner, they present contemporary music inspired by industrial electronics of the 80s and travels in the Middle East, India and South America. Dub reverbs, drums, ethnic chants, the rhythm and pulse of the world.

Travelling around the world of music and sound for over a decade. Driven by love for the art of DJing and passion for sharing positive energy with others, he visited many lands of music genres, always taking a few souvenirs with him. This is how the cosmic mix was created, which he shares with the audience.

Ceny biletów

przedsprzedaż: 50/60 zł / w dniu koncertu: 70/80 zł

Cultural Center Ticket office

Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

On other days, e-mail contact:



Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
ul. Peowiaków 12
20-007 Lublin

El Búho

01-07-2023 - przedsprzedaż: 50/60 zł / w dniu koncertu: 70/80 zł - more

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