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Monika Szpunar / Stefano Silvino


18:00 - 18.09.2022 - The Black Room - 15/25 zł - more
Monika Szpunar / Stefano Silvino


18:00 - 18.09.2022 - 15/25 zł - more
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… excess, unnaturalness, pathos, immoderation, bombast, mannerism, ridiculousness, puffiness, exaltation, pose, wedge-headedness, pretentiousness, pomposity – EXAGGERATION

There are definitions of exaggeration. But does it have its limits? When is breaking out of the comfort zone a value, and when is it on the border of being ridiculous? How can you define the state just before? How to recognize it? Who or what decides when it is enough?
Is it possible to overdo something that is already overdone? Living in a time of consumption and information excess, where stimulation is an everyday reality, which also applies to dance and theatre performances, the creators take a closer look at exaggeration, treating it as a starting point for taking up any activity during the performance. Exaggeration is our quo state. Let's (not) go crazy. Yellow and plastic dominate the stage, and the set design for the performance is composed each time by Agata Starmach.

  • Osoba ubrana w foliowy płaszcz przeciwdeszczowy i złotą perukę klęczy na scenie. Ręce ma uniesione na boki. Scenę oświetla żółte światło.
  • Na pierwszym planie tańcząca kobieta. Tułów owinięty ma przeźroczystą folią. Za nią w tle stoi półnagi mężczyzna.
  • Kolorowa fotografia. Na scenie dwie osoby ubrane w foliowe płaszcze przeciwdeszczowe i złote peruki. Wykonują chaotyczne podskoki. Za nimi w tle scenografia składająca się z wielu, różnej wielkości zafoliowanych pudeł. Scena oświetlona jest żółtym światłem.

Monika Szpunar – choreographer and dancer
Stefano Silvino – choreographer and dancer
Agata Starmach – set designer
Joanna Wabik – composer

Duration: 45 min


The performance was created as part of the StartUp – SCENE FOR YOUNG 2020 programme, organized by the Center for Theatre and Dance in Warsaw. Premiere: June 4, 2021 in Warsaw.

The show "Exaggeration; was selected in an open competition for the presentation of performances in the The Spaces of Art Lublin programme.

The Spaces of Art programme is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Zbigniew Raszewski Dance and the Theatre Institute.


Ceny biletów

15/25 zł

Cultural Center Ticket office

Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

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The Black Room


Lublin Dance Theatre

tel: 81 466 61 46


18-09-2022 - 15/25 zł - more

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