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15. Lublin Film Festival

LFF 15th anniversary. A subjective curated screening

22:00 - 20.11.2021 - Basement of the Centre - admission is free - more
15. Lublin Film Festival

LFF 15th anniversary. A subjective curated screening

22:00 - 20.11.2021 - admission is free - more

It is best to celebrate the jubilee of a film festival… with film.

We came up with the idea of choosing a few films that we have presented at the LFF so far. They were supposed to be special productions, important to all of us. We have watched thousands of great movies over the past 15 years. How to choose just a few titles that can be a showcase of the festival? At the jubilee screening, you will see movies so special that, despite many years after the premiere, we still cannot stop thinking about them. Do you want to know the titles? Let it remain a surprise…

Ceny biletów

admission is free

Cultural Center Ticket office

Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

On other days, e-mail contact:


Basement of the Centre


Kinoteatr Project

tel: 81 466 61 21

LFF 15th anniversary. A subjective curated screening

20-11-2021 - admission is free - more

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