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Lublin Film Festival all year round: Crazy world

18:00 - 16.10.2024 - Cinema - free admission - more

Lublin Film Festival all year round: Crazy world

18:00 - 16.10.2024 - free admission - more

The Lublin Film Festival is an international celebration of cinema, an opportunity to see the latest films by rising stars of world cinematography.

The LFF All Year screenings are a reminder of selected festival hits connected by theme, form or idea.
More than often we have impression that our world, which we try to understand, is accelerating, and we are no longer able to follow new phenomena and trends. Or maybe we are the cause of this crazy rush, maybe we have lost patience and inner peace forever? These (and many other) dilemmas are themes of the films presented at the Lublin Film Festival All Year series, this time called: Crazy World.

Curator of the screening: Andrzej Rusin


A Beautiful Wildflower Meadow, directed by Emi Buchwald (Poland) 2022, 30’, 15+
Landscape architect Emil fights an unequal battle with a world of people indifferent to the beauty of nature. Due to his neurotic inflexibility, he sinks into a spiral of absurd events, and at the same time tries to be a good father. The film was awarded at the Warsaw Film Festival and the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia, among others.

Wife Carrying, directed by Mathias Rifkiss, Colas Rifkiss (France) 2023, 25’, 15+
In the village, they say that Denis and Céline have a problem with their relationship: she supports them, and he takes care of the house. To restore his sense of masculinity, Denis decides to take part in a race to carry his wives on his back. The film was presented at the Namur International Film Festival, among others.

Green Fit, dir./director Maxime Pistorio (France) 2022, 17’, 13+
Xavier signs up for a free gym. But if something is free, you are most likely the product. The film was presented at the Flickerfest International Film Festival, among others.

The Man Who Wanted To Sleep, dir./director Thibault Lang-Willar (France) 2021, 14’, 15+
Alfred, a resident of a nursing home, cannot fall asleep because of his neighbors romping behind the wall. Frustrated, he looks for a quiet place to sleep in the city. It turns out that it is not easy at all.

Total time: 87’

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Lublin Film Festival all year round: Crazy world

16-10-2024 - free admission - more

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