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Monika Kowalczyk with the band

20:00 - 17.07.2020 - The Inner Courtyard - more

Monika Kowalczyk with the band

20:00 - 17.07.2020 - more

Monika Kowalczyk is a singer born in 1994 in Lublin. The debut album (EP) of this incurable dreamer will be released soon.

She is the winner of national music festivals, incl. Osppt YAPA in Łódź, FAMA Festival in Świnoujście and Grechuta Festival Kraków. She is a participant of the program for young musicians and managers “Tak brzmi miasto Inkubator 2019” (This is how the city of Incubator 2019 sounds). Since 2015, she has been composing and giving concerts all over Poland (incl. Slot Art Festival in Lubiąż, several times at the Polish Radio Music Studio of Agnieszka Osiecka in Warsaw, Łódź, Kraków, Gdynia, at the Two Brzegi Festival in Kazimierz Dolny or at TEDx Lublin).

Daniel Rutkowski – drums
Arek Borzęcki – bass guitar, keyboards
Mikołaj Kołodziejczyk – electric guitar, ukulele, keyboards
Anna Basak, Magdalena Kuraś – backing vocals

Dariaoks (also called Daria Lytvynenko) is a visual artist who draws and animates. She creates static animation. Daria turns immovable into dynamic. She likes to experiment and combine animation with other fields of art, including poetry, photography, music. The winner of the map design competition during the Night of Culture 2019. In the same year, nominated for Żurawie – Lubelskie Wyróżnienia Kulturalne w kategorii Obraz (Cranes – Lublin Cultural Awards in the category of Image).


The Inner Courtyard


Artistic Management

tel: 81 466 61 09

Monika Kowalczyk with the band

17-07-2020 - more

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