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Watch Docs

Once You Know

21:00 - 20.08.2021 - Wirydarz - Admission is free - more
Watch Docs

Once You Know

21:00 - 20.08.2021 - Admission is free - more

From climate-related depression to finding practical solutions for difficult times. How does it feel when you already know no miracle will happen to stop a climate catastrophe?

As a committed filmmaker and activist, Emmanuel Cappellin decided to dedicate his film to global warming. He suffered a nervous breakdown on his way to China aboard a giant container ship. The climate depression forced him to reevaluate his life and make several key choices. But his film is not a chronicle of internal dilemmas. Starting from very personal experiences, Cappellin does not lose sight of the wider context; instead of creating another warning of the impending crisis, he shows how to minimize its effects. He visits people who have had to learn to deal with extreme weather events and their aftermath and talks to experts who are looking for practical solutions for difficult times. Sooner or later we will all have to face the tough questions posed by his film.

dir. Emmanuel Cappellin
France,  2020
104 min

Ceny biletów

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tel: 81 466 61 03

Once You Know

20-08-2021 - Admission is free - more

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