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Pink Unicorns

19:00 - 14.11.2021 - 15/25 zł - more

Pink Unicorns

19:00 - 14.11.2021 - 15/25 zł - more

“The lock screen on my son’s phone is a pink unicorn. When I was a teenager, I stayed far away from anything that was pink. I had never heard of unicorns before and cell phones didn’t exist.”

In “Pink Unicorns”, the Cuban-born dancer Alexis Fernández is on stage alongside his son. Experience encounters youthful exuberance. Assumed serenity is questioned with curiosity. La Macanas’s work deals with the not always uncomplicated relationship between the generations. The impulse of both father and son to share the stage holds a mirror up to the audience: fathers, mothers, sons, daughters. “Pink Unicorns” is a wild dance theater in which two bodies encounter each other.

La Macana is a dance company based in Spain, set up in 2009 by Caterina Varela and Alexis Fernández. She is a dancer, choreographer, producer and director of various projects to promote the performing arts in Spain and he is a renowned dancer and choreographer of Cuban origin. They have received different awards and have been well received on the international circuits, appearing in more than twenty five countries and doing collaborations with different European theaters. Those who know La Macana await a play with strong physical material, careful poetics and a close relationship with the audience.

creation: Caterina Varela, Samir Akika, Alexis Fernández; dancers: Alexis Fernández, Paulo Fernández; lighting design: Afonso Castro;
stage design: Tilo Schreieck; production manager: Caterina Varela; production: LaMacana; coproduction: AGADIC, Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster, Theater Bremen

Ceny biletów

15/25 zł

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available from 04.11.2021


Lublin Dance Theatre

tel: 81 466 61 46

Pink Unicorns

14-11-2021 - 15/25 zł - more

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