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Power of women

19:00 - 21.07.2018 - plac Zamkowy - more

Power of women

19:00 - 21.07.2018 - more

Concert “Women Power” is the final event of the series of concerts “Ways to Freedom” held in the city districts.

On July 21st KAYAH, NOSOWSKA, BRODKA and PAULINA PRZYBYSZ will perform at the Zamek Square. The concert, during which the artists will present their greatest hits, will be the quintessence of femininity.

It was in Lublin 100 years ago that the women’s rights were proclaimed, and the Polish women were among the first in Europe to be granted active and passive vote rights. During the concert, we want to present the women of Lublin, who had extraordinary influence on the social development of our city, fought for freedom, and were active in creating history. Using the opportunity of the “Women Power” concert, we want to remind about these strong women of freedom, both with the use of multimedia on stage, as well as by publishing a special issue of the newspaper “PA.RA” together with the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theater” Centre which will be devoted to the role of women.


Singer, songwriter, columnist, the sixth part of Hey band. The fact that she is singing is strange to her because, as she says, “I do not have the qualities a singer should have, I have all of which one should not have.” Nevertheless, she is famous for her charismatic vocals and original lyrics. Recently, she suspended the activities of her mother band to concentrate again on her solo career. In May her first book, “And I told her …, was published .
Winner of the Polityka’s Passport and twenty one “Fryderyk” statuettes.


One of the most extraordinary artists on the Polish music scene that has made one of the greatest artistic transformations of recent years. Her concerts are an unforgettable experience, combining seemingly incompatible elements of different musical styles – from psychedelic pop to unusual rock rhythm. Her third album “Granda” won double platinum. For the last album “Clashes”, the artist received “Fryderyk” in the category: Album of the year – alternative.


Almost two decades ago she was charming with her voices in groups such as Sistars, Pinnawela, Rita Pax and Archeo, with whom she released a total of seven full-length albums. Winner of numerous awards and distinctions – including “Fryderyk” and Super Jedynki. Openness to music led her to countless studio and concert collaborations, and she worked, inter alia, with Stanisław Sojka, Tomasz Stańko, Night Marks Electric Trio and Envee. In October 2017, her latest solo album, “Chodź tu”, was published.


One of the most recognized and appreciated artists in Poland. She sings, composes, produces music. She made her debut in 1995 with the album “Kamień”; so far she has released 11 albums. In 2007, as the first artist from Central and Eastern Europe, she made a concert as part of the famous MTV Unplugged series. She cooperates and cooperates, among others with Goran Bregovic, Cesaria Evora, Yasmin Levy, Idan Raichel and many Polish artists. She received the most important music awards, including for the best singer, composer, best song or album. Her last album, “Transoriental Orchestra”, is a selection of Jewish songs from various regions of Europe and the Middle East. Co-owner of the record company Kayax, in which he releases CDs and promotes talented Polish artists such as Brodka, Hey, Kroki, Krzysztof Zalewski, Marek Dyjak, Mary Komasa, Nosowska, Skubas and many others

The events are carried out in the framework of the Lublin’s celebration of regaining independence by Poland.
“Lublin 1918-2018. Inspired by freedom”


plac Zamkowy

Power of women

21-07-2018 - more

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