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The Dead Don’t Die

18:00 - 13.01.2024 - Cinema - free admission - more

The Dead Don’t Die

18:00 - 13.01.2024 - free admission - more

Celebrating 10 years of Benshi! The birthday party screening will be Jim Jarmusch's latest films.

Something is wrong in the sleepy town of Centerville. The big moon hangs lower than usual, the hours of day come unexpectedly, and animals behave in a way they have never behaved before. And no one knows why. Media reports are ominous, scientists seem confused. But no one predicts what is about to happen to Centerville – the dead are not dead. They rise from their graves and brutally hunt the living. The city's inhabitants must fight for survival.

directed by: Jim Jarmusch
cast: Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton, Chloë Sevigny
horror, comedy / USA, Sweden, RSA / 2019
running time: 103 min

Hosted by: Joanna Ziomek, Monika Kopiec, Krystian Drozd

Benshi are film meetings for cinema afficionados with a zestfor discussion. If you love
cinema, join us. Look for inspiration. Inspire.

Series: Tom Waits
As the first Benshi cycle from 10 years ago was titled Music, for the first cycle in 2024 that we return to the musical atmosphere. A few years ago we showed films with David Bowie, a year ago the audience could see and listen to Nick Cave on the screen. Now let's take a look at the characteristic figure of Tom Waits. His songs, featuring his gritty voice often graced various productions, but one that particularly comes to mind the famous scene before the end credits of "Smoke" by Wayne Wang and Paul Auster, with the wonderful ballad "Innocent when You dream". Waits will appear in person in the remaining titles. He will be the sidekick of the titular Dracula in Francis Ford Coppola's film, a hermit in a world overrun by zombies in Jim Jarmusch's "The Dead Don't Die," and one of the "7 Psychopaths" in Martin McDonagh's crime comedy. In "Licorice Pizza" we will see him in a brilliant bar cameo. Here's Tom Waits!

About Benshi's birthday:
Time flies! It’s already been 10 years since the first edition of the Film Discussion Society, Benshi. The originator of the project is Joanna Ziomek, who, with the support of Emilia and Andrzej Rusin from Kinoteatr Projekt, presented the first film of the first monthly series, "Radio on the Wave", on January 13, 2014. As time went by more “Benshi” people – Krystian Drozd and Monika Kopiec- joined in. However, this team wouldn't be able to achieve anything without the audience, who add a fresh perspective to each film they watch together. This is our common celebration. Therefore, on January 13, 2024, we are pleased to invite you to Benshi’s birthday. The screening of Jim Jarmusch's latest film, "Dead Men Don't Die", which is part of our January Tom Waits series will open the celebrations at 6.00 pm. The screening will be followed by a party at the Central Cafe, with refreshments, karaoke and shared memories. You must be there, because without you we wouldn’t be where we are.

We would like to remind you that the CK Cinema has the slogan “Cinema, not popcorn”, which means that we focus on screenings without advertising. Hours of screenings in our cinema are tantamount to the start of the film screening. Please arrive on time. According to the regulations, latecomers will not be admitted to screenings.

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free admission

Cultural Center Ticket office

Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

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Kinoteatr Project

tel: 81 466 61 21

The Dead Don’t Die

13-01-2024 - free admission - more

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