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26. IDTF: Anton Lachky Company

The Others

17:00 - 12.11.2022 - 20/30 PLN - more
26. IDTF: Anton Lachky Company

The Others

17:00 - 12.11.2022 - 20/30 PLN - more
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“The Others” is the story of four people who are living in a strangely isolated world. A living hell made out of plastic, entirely devoid of other living beings, and surrounded by impenetrable, translucent screens.

Will its inhabitants manage to liberate themselves from this drab and dreary existence? Will they want to?
To keep fate at bay, to keep boredom in check, they dance. Day after day, they dance. With precision, with fervour, with passion. A fortuitous encounter, a refusal to stop searching – maybe, just maybe our four friends will end up committing the most crucial, the most rebellious of all acts: maybe they will allow themselves to be amazed at life.

Many thinkers have pointed out the importance of narration, of storytelling, in the process towards what we call civilisation. We need stories to “make sense” of the world around & within us.
As Cioran put it, “A civilisation begins with a myth and it ends with doubt. We need to reinvent our own myths”… Listening to the latest scientific reports, it seems the end of our thermo-industrial civilisation is looming near. It looks like we have irrevocably entered the era of doubt – or, let’s say, the era of possibility!
This new piece for a young audience by Anton Lachky starts with a “new myth” that was invented for the occasion. A myth that points forward to the downfall of our modern world, whilst sketching the contours of a possible rebirth.

choreography: Anton Lachky; danced by: Evelyne de Weerdt, Dunya Narli, Nino Patuano, Lewis Cooke
text: Eléonore Valère-Lachky; voice fr: Eléonore Valère-Lachky; voice en: Tarek Halaby; voice nl: Kim Ceysens; production: Anton Lachky Company; coproduction: Mars/Mons arts de la scène, Charleroi danse/Centre Chorégraphique de la fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Centre Culturel de verviers, Pierre de Lune Centre Scénique Jeunes Publics de Bruxelles, Le Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon; with support from: La Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles et de la loterie national/fwb, et avec l’aide de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Service Général de la Création Artistique – Service de La Danse studio; provided by: Le Marni, Le Centre Culturel Jacques Franck, La Roseraie, Le CCBW, La Balsamine, Charleroi Danse; duration: 55 min

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20/30 PLN

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Lublin Dance Theatre

tel: 81 466 61 46

The Others

12-11-2022 - 20/30 PLN - more

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