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Tragicomedy From point A to point B / Indian Summer / Don’t name me / Hunters. Futuristic imagination about time / Something about us

18:00 - 22.11.2018 - Main Auditorium - more

Tragicomedy From point A to point B / Indian Summer / Don’t name me / Hunters. Futuristic imagination about time / Something about us

18:00 - 22.11.2018 - more

Tragicomedy From point A to point B
“I cannot call it neither contemporary dance nor performance. But it is 15 minutes action in a way of tragicomedy .
It is stating that everything is relative in our life. And wind blows always unexpectedly to the black or white side. Is it bad or good?”

director: Valeria Khripatch; dancers: George Zaborski, Anastasia Nekrasova, Eugene Ivanov
duration: 15 min

Indian Summer
„Indian Summer” is a tale of two worlds interfusing. Together with the dancer we are setting off on a journey, following the voice of her blind grandmother Chaya. Her name holds several meanings in the Hebrew language. Two of those are “alive” and “lived”. This duality is also reflected in her life story. During the rehearsal period and the premiere in May 2018, Chaya was still alive, in Israel, but her memories, recorded through the series of conversations, were reaching back to her childhood, which she had spent in a small pre-war Polish town.
In the darkness, following her grandma’s voice, the artist is endeavouring to grasp and preserve grandmother’s visions, impressions from the past, the character and nature, intertwining her own experiences and threads connected with moving to Poland in the late summer of 2017.
Step by step, in the rhythm of images emerging, the body of the artist becomes an agent and a tool of the voices of the past, moving between what was and what now is. Gradually we become witnesses of a metempsychosis, as if drawn from the Jewish folk tales, Kabbalah or Hasidic mysticism. Through sounds and movement the artist is trying to bring people, places, traditions, the no-longer-existing world back to life…

choreography and performance: Adi Weinberg-Prejna; sound design and music editing: Daniel Sapir; music: Deru, SeeFeel, Jerry Bock, Jacob Jacobs, Alexander Olshanetsky; voice: Chaya Thorn; costume design: Julia Kornacka; artistic assistance, text: Karol Prejna; laser-sound devise used during the choreographic process of creation: Michał Silski, Włodzimierz J. Zakrzewski
duration: 15 min

Don’t name me

If we name something, we as though limit it. The risk of omission of the essence is inevitable, because from the first step we are in front of many doors, behind which the sacrament is created. Your name is a sacrament, and I’m out of it just because I’m trying to pronounce this word.

choreography: Olga Labovkina; artists: Ksenia Androsova, Pavel Luntsevich; music: Fraufraulein – one of us always tells the truth, Library Tapes -Distance, Library Tapes – En Kansla av Saknad; light: Sergey Novitskiy
duration: 10 min

Hunters. Futuristic imagination about time

Life, a never-ending run set against the speeding time. And only at the separate moments of that run we approach the essence of the inconceivable. Every day we do it over and over again, we come back to these special moments burned in our memory: childhood memories, lyrical experiences, moments of truth. And then we come back to this never-ending run in an attempt to understand what these moments meant?

choreography: Payarkau Siarhei; performance: Payarkau Siarhei, Barsukova Alena; music: Radiofillz – 6um1, noize
duration: 9 min

Something about us

Dancers from different countries will unite in one team. They will play with some ideas which are prepared. But nobody knows what will happen inside. It’s a risk and a pleasure of dancing together. It’s a jump to a special state “here and now”. It’s a hope to take audience to observe an exciting communication in the body language.

music: Maliukou Uladzimir
duration: 60 min


Main Auditorium


Lublin Dance Theatre

tel: 81 466 61 46

Tragicomedy From point A to point B / Indian Summer / Don’t name me / Hunters. Futuristic imagination about time / Something about us

22-11-2018 - more

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