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VOO VOO: Premiera – concert promoting the new album

20:00 - 30.06.2023 - Courtyard - 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 zł / 450 zł - more

VOO VOO: Premiera – concert promoting the new album

20:00 - 30.06.2023 - 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 zł / 450 zł - more
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It is hard to find a band similar to Voo Voo, which has been synonymous with musical artistry for years, and at the same time is still searching and cannot be place into the rigid framework of genre divisions.

Wojciech Waglewski’s group is known primarily for its unique live performances. Voo Voo’s latest album, entitled “Premiera” (published by Agora), is partly the result of an excellent concert streak, as well as the desire to present the current form of the band to the audience. Most of the songs were recorded during live improvisation in the studio. During the concert, the band will present songs from the latest album, as well as those most known and appreciated by fans.

  • Czterech mężczyzn ubranych na ciemno stoi w industrialnej przestrzeni wyglądającej jak duży taras budynku. Jeden z nich opiera się o filar. To członkowie zespołu Voo Voo.
  • Czterech mężczyzn ubranych na czarno stoi w rozsypce w surowym murowanym wnętrzu budynku. Oświetla ich światło wpadające przez okno. Sprawiają wrażenie zamyślonych. To członkowie zespołu Voo Voo.
  • Czterech mężczyzn na zapleczu sceny. Część z nich siedzi na metalowych schodkach prowadzących do góry, reszta stoi wokół. Są w dobrym nastroju, uśmiechają się. To członkowie zespołu Voo Voo.

This is what Wojciech Waglewski himself says about the creation of the album:

“For these recordings, there was a fantastic collaboration with two women: Masha Natanson, whose talent really deserves to be spread. The meeting with Hania Rani was exceptionally and surprisingly coherent, because as it turned out, my harmonic anarchy and the unpredictability of the band’s musicians’ inventions are close to her. The band’s meetings in the studio were very intense. The recordings were short so as not to miss anything from the energy that we hope to transfer to the stage soon. This is a Voo Voo record, it sounds like a Voo Voo record, it looks like a Voo Voo record and it tastes like a Voo Voo record. Enjoy… Wagiel”

Ceny biletów

70 / 80 / 90 / 100 zł / 450 zł

Cultural Center Ticket office

Open Monday to Friday from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

phone: 81 466 61 40
oraz: 728 474 209

On other days, e-mail contact:


Seating area:
normal – 100 zł
reduced – 90zł

Standing area:
normal – 80zł
reduced – 70 zł

TABLE (max.4 persons) 450zł / the whole table

Reservation and purchase of tables is available only at the CK ticket office.
Tel. 81 466 61 40 oraz 728 474 209



Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
ul. Peowiaków 12
20-007 Lublin


Artistic Management

tel: 81 466 61 09

VOO VOO: Premiera – concert promoting the new album

30-06-2023 - 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 zł / 450 zł - more

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