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Bobbie Jene
22. IDTF: Bobbi Jene Smith is an American dancer graced with phenomenal talent, presence and charisma. In 2005 she decided to move to Israel in order to dance in the legendary Batsheva Dance Company under the artistic guidance of the world famous dancer and choreographer, Ohad Naharin.
West Side Story
22. IDTF: West Side Story is the award-winning adaptation of the classic romantic tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet".
22. IDTF: Documentary about Krumping, a new dance phenomenon, which has become popular amongst black hip hop community from Los Angeles.
NÄSS (Les Gens)
22. IDTF: First you will hear the rhythm, immemorial and haunting. On these beats, seven male dancers come together, mixing hip hop and traditional dance patterns.
Alonzo King LINES Ballet
22. IDTF: Alonzo King LINES Ballet is a celebrated contemporary ballet company that has been guided since1982 by the unique artistic vision of Alonzo King.
Shapeshifting / Likes
22. IDTF: Linda’s dance is strongly evocative. Her body, led by a spiritual beast, suggests a supernatural and fancy forms and appearances. / Núria Guiu Sagarra likes bases itself on the analysis of two of the most popular Youtube phenomena: cover dance and tutorials and videos on the different techniques of yoga.
The Backyard
22. IDTF: The Backyard is a performance that proposes a hyper-conscious inhabiting of time, space, and relationship, a radical invitation for intimacy and embodiment.
Tragicomedy From point A to point B / Indian Summer / Don’t name me / Hunters. Futuristic imagination about time / Something about us
22. IDTF: Valeria Kripatch: “I cannot call it neither contemporary dance nor performance. But it is 15 minutes action in a way of tragicomedy". / Adi Weinberg-Prejna: „Indian Summer” is a tale of two worlds interfusing. / Olga Labovkina: If we name something, we as though limit it. / STRUCTURERS: Life, a never-ending run set against the speeding time. / Inna Aslamova: Dancers from different countries will unite in one team.
Raw light / PER-SONA
22. IDTF: Raw Light is a tangible, physical, sensational solo journey of the body becoming. / PER-SONA continually pulsates between the (in)visible and the (in)audible, between materiality and intangibility.

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