Winner of the Golden Globe for the Best Non-English Language Film.
Out of nowhere, Katja’s life falls apart when her husband Nuri and little son Rocco are killed in a bomb attack. Her friends and family try to give her the support she needs, and Katja somehow manages to make it through the funeral. But the mind numbing search for the perpetrators and reasons behind the senseless killing complicate Katja’s painful mourning, opening wounds and doubts. Danilo, a lawyer and Nuri’s best friend, represents Katja in the eventual trial against the two suspects: a young couple from the neo-Nazi scene. The trial pushes Katja to the edge, but there’s simply no alternative for her: she wants justice.
Film critics emphasize the precision with which the story was made. They are also in agreement that the thriller’s emotional tension and credibility is due to the creation of the main role. The director’s championship, excellent acting and a high level of performance (photos, editing) made the film engaging and extremely moving.
directed by: Fatih Akin
cast: Diane Kruger, Numan Acar, Ulrich Tukur, Johannes Krisch, Jessica McIntyre
drama/ Germany, France / 2017
duration: 106 min
tel: 81 466 61 03