A Sanatorium Operetta
Cezary Tomaszewski’s sanatorium is melancholic and amusing, absurd and funny.
A group of very special guests arrives at the Professor Józef Dietl Sanatorium and Pump Room. Nurse Wanda treats them to a grand tour of the premises and shows them the most popular of procedures. The visitors consider the investment options: medical tourism, sensory experiences or perhaps curative waters? Recent research confirms that by 2035 water will have become more expensive than petroleum. Will there then be a supplier with a monopoly on the unobstructed access to (re)sources? Or perhaps investment in old age comes with a dangerously high risk? The sanatorium is run by its Medical Director – Professor Józef Dietl, who some time ago created a mysterious potion characterised by a set of unusual features. The guests will be given an opportunity to savour it tonight. What lurks behind its mystifying properties? And how will it influence the investors’ decisions?
Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Kraków
Script: Iga Gańcarczyk, Daria Kubisiak
Directed by: Cezary Tomaszewski
Set design and Costumes: Maciej Chorąży, Bracia – Agnieszka Klepacka
Musical Direction: Weronika Krówka
Musical Arrangement: Cezary Tomaszewski
Lighting: Jędrzej Jęcikowski
Make-up: Kacper Rączkowski
Stage Manager: Anna Wójcicka
Production: Izabella Oleś
Duration: 110 minutes
Premiere: 12 April 2019
e-mail: oprynski@ck.lublin.pl
tel: 81 466 61 03