Amber bird A picture in motion about keeping the things one can't have. The pressure of thoughts which does not allow one you to go further. Constant wandering, thinking, looking for different solutions. Looking at the same thing from multiple perspectives, trapped in your own thoughts. Ultimately, an attempt to fly away, acceptance, searching for peace, happiness and balance. The amber bird is a symbol of strength to ascend, finding patience in oneself. Awareness that an empty and unpleasant moment in life will be filled with a situation that gives you the
opportunity to become a better version.
choreography and performance: Sebastian Wiertelak; music: Jed Kurzel, Philip Glass, Paul Leonard-Morgan, Arcane, League of Legends, Ray Chen
Ashes of the Dead Frog
Choreographic work created in 2006 for Nai Ni Chen Dance Company from New York. Its renewal marks the beginning of a new collaboration with the New York-based company and is a tribute to Nai Ni Chen, a visionary contemporary dance artist who died prematurely in early 2020, the founder of the Nai Ni Chen Dance Company.
choreography: Jacek Luminski; performances: Angelika Karal, Ewelina Cieśla, Bartłomiej Mieszczak, Sebastian Wiertelak, Łukasz Zgórka; music: Glen Velez
I piece together one of the crushed stars with gold
The work was inspired by the activities and artistic achievements of Jacek Łumiński and Silesian Dance Theatre. The new performance is a kind of living archive, in which the artists combined what they are experiencing at the given time as dancers with how they imagine and interpret the work of the Silesian Dance Theatre. As the main point of reference, they adopted the performance "On the edge of day and dream" choreographed by Jacek Łumiński, which is why they used fragments of choreography from this performance as quotes in the work.
choreography and performance: Angelika Karal and Łukasz Zgórka; music: Erich Kory, Zoë Keating, Meredith Monk
The event was organized as part of the Katowice Art Spaces – Dance 2022 program. The “Art Spaces” project is financed by the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute.
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