In various nooks and crannies of the Centre for Culture in Lublin, your eye will be caught by neon signs’ lights. Most of the signs were created for the post-competition exhibition of the NeonArt festival, and they perfectly fit into the spaces of the historic building.
Leading Polish artists, working at the borders of typography, graphics, illustration and design, are responsible for the neon lights displayed in our building. They were inspired by the history and social context of selected Lublin locations.
To find all the “hidden” neon signs in the Centre, check out the “Neon signs Map” available in the building (or download it HERE) and follow the directions.
In our building you will find 12 neon signs:
1. Joanna Dudoń – Apollo
2. Edgar Bąk – Sunset over Bystrzyca
3. Tomasz Pieńczak – Lublin dude welcomes you
4. Olek Modzelewski – Behind the sugar factory
5. Michał Loba – Just so
6. Paweł Ryżko – Hansen
7. Full Metal Jacket (Jerzy Gruchot, Wojciech Koss) – Map of the Słowacki neighbourhood
8. UVMW (Robert Mendel, Jacek Walesiak) – Skaters (from a sculpture by Wojciech Frycz, made as part of the Lublin Art Meetings)
9. Katarzyna Bogucka (Nioska) – Onion flatbread
10. Senna Collective (Agata Korba, Natalia Romik, Piotr Jakoweńko, Sebastian Kucharuk) – Look!
11. Jacek Rudzki (A Friend Graphic) – Cat
12. Kamil R. Filipowski – Cabaret Voltaire