Przejdź do treści
Treasure of the Unnamed Mountain
The performance was created by the choreographer Krzysztof Skolimowski based on a text by Juliusz Grzybowski. The dancers who play the characters of the fairy tale are accompanied by live music performed by Mateusz Skolimowski, a music school student.
IN / SIDE is a movement performance. The theme that inspired the creators to act was the borderline of corporeality and spirituality / ephemerality and physicality in the context of existence, being a human being.
Memento Mori Dance Club – performative presentation of the excerpts of the script by Daniel Adamczyk
An experimental venture on the border of musical archeology, the axis of which is the search for dance rhythms in traditional funeral and religious singing (hymns for All Saint’s Day, Lenten hymns) from the Lowlands of Poland.
William Cardoso: Verdura – a work-in-progress presentation of Project 2/3
"Verdura", inspired by the famous painting by Hieronymus Bosch entitled "The Garden of Earthly Delights", is a meeting of two people intoxicated with destructive passion.
The Backyard
22. IDTF: The Backyard is a performance that proposes a hyper-conscious inhabiting of time, space, and relationship, a radical invitation for intimacy and embodiment.

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