Przejdź do treści
Treasure of the Unnamed Mountain
The performance was created by the choreographer Krzysztof Skolimowski based on a text by Juliusz Grzybowski. The dancers who play the characters of the fairy tale are accompanied by live music performed by Mateusz Skolimowski, a music school student.
Family day at the Wild Children Reserve
September 2021 is probably the last month of operation of the Wild Children Reserve at Dolnej Panny Marii street. It is also a must-see on a family weekend programme!
Kidsagon – sensory installation for children
The place associated with the punishment will change its function.
Journey inside a painting – interactive exhibition
For the winter holidays the Art Carousel has prepared an interactive exhibition for children, with a video presentation.
Journey inside a painting – interactive exhibition and workshops
For the winter holidays the Art Carousel has prepared an interactive exhibition for children.

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